Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Accidental Husband

So, today was day 3 and things are going well - aside from my perma-headache that is!  I've been enjoying the No-Bake Energy Bites and my Cranberry Bran muffins - I'll have to make more tomorrow since my kids have also developed a liking!  Last night for dinner I made Korean Beef (only used 1/2 of the soy sauce I usually do!).  I thought I'd reward myself a little bit and after dinner made a banana milkshake which I shared with my two youngest kids.  I was mentally preparing to go to my husbands' baseball team party and come home for an early night, but...
John and my friends had something else planned!  An impromtu surprise early birthday party for me!  A night with my besties Carla & Steve, Melissa & Glen and John - playing Five Crowns and enjoying a spread of wine and cheese - Dubliner, my fave!  This was then followed with Carla's famous ice cream cake she made for me "I-Rish U Happy B-Day" - for those of you who don't know me, along with my passion for Colin Firth comes a passion for all things Irish, so I was very touched by this!  It's also great to enjoy a cake that I haven't made myself!! 

So, for someone who is supposed to be trying to reduce cholesterol and BP, our little feast probably didn't mesh, but hey, it was a celebration - and there are always exceptions for birthdays!!!  I did take a pass on the olives though - yuck!!! 

I can't believe how tired I was last night!  I could have totally crashed by 11 pm - what is happening to me???  I was in bed by 12:30 which is later than the past few nights but still hours earlier than just a week ago!  The past few days I've had a perma headache - possibly withdrawal symptoms?

Today John took the kids to the Blue Jays game so I had time to myself which was heavenly!  I went to Curves and broke a sweat listening to Abba - which reminds me of Colin in Mama Mia - which motivated me to work harder!  I'm really getting in to this Colin Firth Diet Club!!!  Oh, and I forgot to mention that I weighed myself before doing the circuit and I was 152 lbs - so Colin, I'm already improving!!!!  Now, how's about a kiss to congratulate me???  LOL

I came home from Curves hungry for lunch.  Looked in the cupboard and saw a box of KD.  Decided to cook spaghetti noodles instead since I had some leftover homemade sauce in the fridge.  A few times this week, I'll have to admit to cursing the bad genes I inherited from my dad - you know, the ones that precondition me to diabetes, high cholesterol and BP, but one of the best things I inherited from my dad is his recipe for spaghetti sauce!!!!  There is nothing like it!  One of my favourite memories when I was younger was helping my dad make this sauce that took all day to make and singing "On top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese...I lost my poor meatball, when somebody sneezed....".    I never even knew that spaghetti sauce could come in a jar until University!

After lunch I found my "Love Actually" soundtrack and listened to it while I had a relaxing bath.  Then since I was still home by myself, I made a cup of tea and grabbed one of my muffins and cosied up on the couch to watch "The Accidental Husband" - the movie I got for free just for signing up for the Colin Firth Diet Club!!

On that note, as it's nearing midnight and I don't want to turn into a pumpkin prematurely - I'll have to say goodnight Richard and I'm sorry Emma didn't pick you!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

In The Beginning....

In the beginning (Tuesday morning), while meeting with my Diabetic Nurse (I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic about a year ago, but am not an official Diabetic), she told me that my cholesterol was too high (4.55) as was my blood pressure (142/94).  My 39th birthday is coming up the week after next and I'm trying to buy time to fix these numbers.  I told the nurse I was hoping to reach 40 before having to take such medications.  She's going to confer with my family Dr. and get back to me, but she said they may come back with a 6 month window.   Ironically my blood sugars are excellent - go figure!

Soooo...I need to make some life changes and decrease those nasty numbers!  I told my husband later that night that I know things need to change and that I need an extra incentive to stay focused.  And you know what?  I wasn't talking to the pillow - he actually listened!  And what follows is by and large the sweetest thing he has ever done for me!

Behold, my very own personal customized incentive plan!

How cool is this!  Colin Firth is my absolute favourite actor!!!  I love him!  His accent alone is enough to make me swoon!  I actually met Colin a couple of weeks ago at the Toronto International Film Festival at the premiere screening of his new film "Arthur Newman" - great movie but was a little disappointed that he changed that signature accent for American.  I walked past him (on the other side of the rope) as all the fans were being herded into the Elgin Theatre like cattle, and I literally could have pinched his bottom if I was so bold.  Didn't think John wanted to visit me in a cell somewhere for such an offence so decided against it!  I did come back out after we were seated and stood right in front of him (another rope between us) and he would have signed my ticket if I had a pen on me - which stupid me, I did not!!!   NOTE TO SELF:  ALWAYS BE PREPARED TO MEET COLIN AND HAVE PEN HANDY!  I could not let my opportunity totally slip up though, so as he passed me I reached out and brushed my hand along his wrist - which was covered in the finest threads!

Here's a photo of the man himself that I took before, yes, I touched him!!!!

Can you believe my luck!  Afterwards we went to John's office before heading home.  John decided to take another route to avoid traffic and who should I spot from afar but my Colin doing an interview on the street!

So, now back to the Colin Firth Diet husband, bless his heart went to the trouble of developing this plan for me.  He knows how much I love Colin in Love Actually and Bridget Jones and all his other films.  He made sure the movies listed in the incentives are DVD's that I don't yet have and would like to add to my Colin Firth collection.  Basically how it works, in case you can't read the print, is that I got "The Accidental Husband" just for joining and for every 5 lbs I lose I will earn another flick!

I decided to start blogging my progress because, hey, this will keep me on track right?

So, today marks day one of the Colin Firth Diet Club for me - and so far so good I think!  My weigh-in on Tuesday with the nurse was 69.9 kg which I googled last night to convert to 154ish lbs - so let's say 155 lbs as a starting weight.

Breakfast - 2 Shredded Wheats with fresh raspberries, 1/2 cup watered down OJ and coffee
Snack - one chewy granola bar
Lunch - salmon, beets, rice and a small glass of milk
Snack - cranberry bran muffins that I made without salt and substituted apple sauce for the        shortening.  Also, my good friend Kelly dropped by with some yummy not so bad for you No-Bake Energy Bites which are delish!!
Supper - well, can't lie to ya, John brought home Pizza Hut at my bequest - but I only had 1 1/2 slices and added a salad to the meal

As of Tuesday when this all began, I've also been going to bed earlier - before midnight as opposed to my 3 am shenanigans of late.  I have not snacked in the evenings at all either so hopefully that will improve results also!  This afternoon I went to workout at Curves for 30 minutes and pushed myself harder - I was thinking of Colin the whole time and how I look forward to meeting my first goal - "The Kings Speech"!  I would love to receive this one by the time I reach my 39th birthday, if not - Hallowe'en???

Goodnight Mr Darcy!!