Sunday, April 7, 2013

Detritus Serendipitous and Happiness

     The book I need to read for my Book Club this month is "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin.  I had considered myself to be a rather happy person, but as I delved into the pages of this book, I quickly realized that there is so much more I can do to create more happiness for myself.    Gretchen starts her project in January with monthly goals.  January she chooses to focus on energy.  She attempts to get to bed earlier and declutter her house.  This has inspired me to do the same as I read her words, "I needed to clear away the detritus of my mind."   Having majored in Communication Studies in University, I sometimes fall across words that enamor me.  One such word has always been serendipity ever since I watched the film starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.  It is coincidentally the name of my favourite new tea room in town that I frequent on a rather regular basis!  Well, similarly, when I read 'detritus' it also struck a chord in me.  I began to think of all the detritus surrounding myself - physically, mentally and emotionally.  It was time to clear some of it up!  Last weekend I began tackling the kitchen cupboards.  I started with the cupboard above the phone where we store art and craft supplies and my cookbooks.  Over the years, we have collected numerous paint sets, markers, modeling clay etc.  I made a pile of superfluous supplies and asked the kids to dispose of those they were not going to use.  Then, I went through the cookbooks and removed a few that I had never used or looked at.  The end result was order!  My cookbooks now fit nicely on the bottom shelf, my electric pencil sharpener has  it's own spot on the middle shelf and the paints fill the top shelf.  When I was finished this portion of the project, we all headed to the track!   I was excited to don my new shirt and running shoes.  I ran 5 laps without stopping!  And I felt great!  Afterwards we showered and got ready to go to my in-laws for Easter dinner and had a fab time!  We had to come home earlier than we normally would have so John and Matthew would be home in time to work on their Fantasy Baseball draft, so Kristen and I went upstairs to watch "Marley & Me".  I quite literally cried myself to sleep snuggling my Rocket!  You see, Gretchen inspired, and reminded me of one of my goals which was to get to bed earlier.  The movie ended around 10:30 and I was content to go to bed immediately following.

Monday, the 1st day of April felt like a renewal!  I was so energized and well slept that I felt I could take on the world!  I was beginning another week of eating wheat-free.  I felt sore muscles in my abs and thighs, and I was happy about it!  John decided the previous night to sign up for the 1/2 marathon, and for a brief moment that morning I felt that I was capable of joining him!  But I won't!!  I know my limitations, and right now, a marathon (or half for that matter) is far outside those limits.  I did go to Curves though, and had remarkable success!  As part of the Curves Smart program I can track how many calories I burn from each workout, and usually I range anywhere from say 250 - 350 calories, but Monday I burned 402!  Could it be that the extra sleep gave me the added boost?  On Wednesday I burned 500 calories during my workout!  I actually asked the Manager if that was possible or if there was a glitch in the system!  As for my current weight, on Thursday I was at 141.5 lbs.  I think I may be back under 140 lbs at this point but will measure tomorrow before my workout at Curves.  Sometimes my scale at home likes to tell a slightly exaggerated story, if you know what I mean!  Apparently my wheat-free stint wasn't as successful this time round as I was anticipating the pounds to fall off more rapidly - but perhaps those pretty foiled chocolate eggs are to blame!  (OK, OK, it wasn't their fault, it was own sheer lack of willpower - and I've since paid the price).

The calendar is filled with constant roadblocks one needs to hurdle over from one to the next.  After over indulging over the Christmas season, we tend to anticipate New Year's resolutions where we eat smarter and exercise more regularly.  We are then hit with Valentine's day redolent of red velvet heart-shaped boxes filled with assorted chocolates... followed by St. Patrick's Day goodies (in my house anyways!), only to be onslaught with chocolate eggs and bunnies, jelly beans and more for Easter!  There may be a small reprieve over the summer months where you are left to your own devices which are likely to find you scoping out the local Baskin Robbins or Dairy Queen. Then to make up for the 'dry' months we are bombarded with bags full of chocolates, bubblegum, potato chips, lollipops, and a plethora of other sweets for Hallowe'en (OK, you may tell yourself this is for the kids, but who are you kidding?  We all look forward to indulging in the fruits of the kids labours! In fact my mother-in-law is famous for eating all the candy she purchases to give out for Hallowe'en and then has to go out and buy more to hand out to the kids!).   Here I sit by my computer ranting along I am disgusted by the colourful foil wrappers strewn across my desk from my own indulgence.  Perhaps they should cover the chocolate eggs in a black matte paper with skull and crossbones, or the red hourglass design found on a black widow spider - that would deter me for sure! Instead I am left here with the vision of cradling the pretty pink foiled egg "Come here my pretty!"

I have since removed more detritus from other kitchen cupboards - I'm taking things slow and trying to accomplish a little each day.  And I have become more aware of other ways of clearing detritus!  On Friday, my friend April was hosting a Princess Gold Party.  The beauty of this kind of party is that you aren't expected to purchase anything, rather - you bring your unwanted gold and they pay YOU!!!  Unfortunately I've been struck with a bad sinus cold and fever and wasn't able to attend - but I finally parted with a couple of gold bracelets given to me in high school from boyfriends past.  Why was I holding on to them?  I don't rightly know, maybe just for the fact that they were made of gold?  John was non too pleased to discover I still had them lying around, and I had forgotten I had them so why not sell them!  Carla took them and sold them for me and I made $68 from them!  Think of the more precious 'gold' I can purchase with that - namely, Colin Firth films to add to my collection!!!

Gretchen focused on her marriage for the month of February.  Her husband reminded me a lot of John and I could also see parts of myself in her.  The week leading up to Easter, I was extremely busy and stressed designing and fulfilling cake orders, and the state of my kitchen showed it!  Trying to be proactive, I explained to John that I was going to take Saturday off.  I was going to sleep in, work on updating my blog and website.  I asked that he not bully or pester me into cleaning and that I would work on cleaning the disastrous kitchen gradually.  It worked pretty good!  I'm also going to try harder not to roll my eyes when John goes on and on about his running and to be more supportive.  I truly am proud of him, but I know I can show it better!  Gretchen talks in her book about her need to receive a 'gold star' to fulfill her need of approval.  I just realized now, that this is what John is seeking, and as I am also one who likes to be on the receiving end of a 'gold star', I should be doling out more to others myself!  I used to receive lots of 'gold stars' when I was younger - certificates, awards, trophies, medals - but once you grow up and enter the 'real world', these become few and far between.  Especially after becoming a parent!  And that is the most gratifying, and stressful job of all!  In 2010 I was awarded the City of Burlington Community Service Award for the work I do with Breast Cancer Support Services and the Scrap Cancer fundraiser I founded.  I was flabbergasted to hear I was even nominated!  Gold Stars can come in many forms.  Receiving that award was one of them and it really meant a lot to me, knowing that the work I did to help others was really making a difference!  Perhaps the most rewarding 'gold star' for me however, and I receive a plethora of them, is the unsolicited hugs I constantly get every day from my children!  You know you've done something right when that happens!

In April, as Gretchen attempts to 'Lighten Up' she vows to 'Become a Treasure House of Happy Memories'.  This reminded me of one thing that leads to my happiness - scrapbooking!  I get lost in the process of reminiscing about happy times with my family as I produce a layout.  After reading this book, I plan to make more time to work on my scrapbooks.  The kids love pulling down the large albums to see what they did when they were little (well, littler).  Next weekend I am off to another scrapbooking retreat, and since I haven't done any scrapbooking since the last retreat I attended in October, I am going to make it a priority to work on at home!

The only new recipe I tried this week was a Mango Surprise Smoothie taken from the 'Flat Belly Diet Cookbook'.  I was a little apprehensive about trying this one since it includes avocado and we didn't part the best of friends with the last recipe attempt, however, we've each since matured and come to a mutual understanding.  So long as avocados are mixed in with other tastier foods, we will get along just fine!  This smoothie was so delicious!  I made it again the following day and Matthew wanted to try some and even he liked it!  I'm looking forward to grocery shopping tomorrow to get more lime to make it again!  Long live the avocado!!!!

Now, the detritus of Easter is thus removed (consumed)! I am working on clearing more detritus to make way for more Colin Firth DVD's.  When it comes down to it, The Colin Firth Diet Club in essence is my personal 'Happiness Project'!  It (he) is my muse and motivation and I am so happy with the changes I've made.  Furthermore, I am happy to have such a clever husband to have come up with the idea!  Thanks John!  This may be my 'Happiness Project', but John, you are my happiness replete!  Providing I am back under 140 lbs tomorrow - anyone want to celebrate with tea and scones at Serendipity tomorrow aft?  Colin, you are more than welcome - it'll be my treat!

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