Monday, December 17, 2012

"The Importance of Being Earnest"

To be earnest or not to be - that is the question! To be earnest is to express seriousness or sincerity.  I believe that I am 'earnest' in my convictions to succeed with a little help from Colin Firth!  Last Saturday after returning from a whirlwind trip to Kingston and back (to celebrate my sister-in-law's birthday) I retreated to the big comfy couch to resume viewing "The Importance of Being Earnest".  I've watched this film before and found it just as amusing this time round.  Colin, along with Rupert Everett portray a rather farcical amusement of sorts. 

So it's one thing to be earnest, and yet another to be honest - and in all honesty I must supply you with the truth, that the past week has not found me in top form.  Perhaps this is normal and I should expect the occasional slump?  Maybe it's the time of year - hectic preparations for Christmas gatherings and events?  After reaching my second goal I was dismayed to get back up as high as 146 lbs at the beginning of last week.  Also, I took my blood pressure a couple of times and it was higher than I anticipated - however, one was taken after a gruelling soccer game, and the other after a workout at Curves.  In retrospect, it makes sense that my blood pressure would be elevated after exercise - and I'll take that under consideration in future.

Well, in the midst of my so-called slump, I decided to spend the day on Thursday cutting out snowflakes.  Yup, that's right - I cut out several paper snowflakes to decorate the house.  While my kids were all busy at school, here I was at home, accomplishing nothing that I should have been.  I could have been out doing some Christmas shopping, wrapping gifts, cleaning the house, finishing up Christmas cards - after all, we were having our annual Christmas Wine & Cheese at the weekend, so I really should have been focusing on that list instead of folding and cutting paper snowflakes!  But just look at this one I designed myself - can you tell who it is?  That's right, it's Colin Firth in snowflake form!!!

Last winter I surprised Jakey with Star Wars snowflakes I had made for him and hung in the doorway to his room.  This year I was able to find even more templates (which is partly why it took me an entire day to work on!).  I also had to make a special one for Matthew and Kristen too.  Matthew got the New York Yankees and I designed a Barbie one for Kristen.  The Colin Firth snowflake, as well as the Bono snowflake I designed and made for myself. 

Needless to say, John appeared to be somewhat irked when he arrived home and discovered how I spent the day (the trail of paper bits likely didn't help matters!).  But hey, sometimes you just need to chill out and do something fun - and all the kids really appreciated it, and John - you have to admit that you thought they were cool too!!

Things started looking up on Friday for me.  I went to Curves and weighed in at 144.5 lbs!  Not a huge difference, but nonetheless a difference!  I also lucked out in booking a hair appointment for Saturday last minute!  John was off work on Friday so we went out for lunch at Earl's.  Normally, I would immediately gravitate towards the salmon dish on the menu, but when I noticed the Fish Taco I was intrigued.  My friends Carla and Melissa had been razzing me earlier about getting me to like avocado.  Well, the fish taco had avocado and mango with it so I made a point to eat 'outside the box' and try something different - and I'm so glad I did!  It was really tasty!  I forgot my  phone at home so I had John text Carla to inform her that I had just ordered a meal with avocado - so there!!! LOL.  Later, inspired by the father who bought a persimmon at the supermarket last week, I took out the persimmon I purchased to try out.  Blech, it was awful - I felt like my throat was collapsing in on itself and that I was eating something with the texture of a cotton ball.

...And then, my heart fell to my stomach, feeling absolutely ill over the news of the mass shooting at the school in Newtown, Connecticut.  We heard it on the news and immediately held our breaths as we waited to hear back from John's best friend Mike who lives there.  We were terrified that his son may have been one of the children killed.  Luckily it wasn't his school where it happened and they are all safe.  But it truly breaks my heart to think of those who weren't so lucky.  Please take some time to pray for these children and educators along with the families that are left behind to grieve them.

Saturday was the day of our annual party and there was lots to be done in preparation for it.  I had a hair appointment in the morning and was absolutely famished when I returned home 3 hrs. later so I told John I would let him go pick up some McDonald's for lunch.  I know, I know...bad me (Michelle will probably call me over this and give me hell - sorry Michelle!).  But, let's just remember that just a few months ago we pretty much ate McDonald's on a weekly basis.  This was only the second time I've had McDonald's since I began the Colin Firth Diet Club.  When I was younger, going to McDonald's was a treat that we had maybe a couple of times a year - as I type that I realize the Catch 22 inherent in that - McDonald's a treat?  You  could take it the other way and ask, why do we bribe our kids with the promise of McDonald's for good behaviour when it's not good for you?  Is it negative reinforcement?  True, they do offer healthier choices than they used to - salads, wraps, yogurt etc.  I confess I had a hamburger and shared some french fries.  It filled my gut but left me emotionally empty.  I don't even enjoy fast food anymore.  It's hard this time of year to avoid giving in to stress and pressure to cave and indulge in fast foods.  All I can say is that I recognize this is a difficult time and I'm resolved to stepping up my game and work harder at it for the next couple of weeks while temptation tries to lure me in.

Our party was a roaring success!  True, there is some painting that needs to be done as a result of John's bottle opening.  Apparently we had a cork malfunction and red wine spewed all over the kitchen ceiling.  We ordered some hors d'oeuvres from the Grinning Gourmand that were delicious.  Our newest friends, Amanda and Julian who recently moved here from England came, and everyone got on well and made them feel very welcome!  We usually order a cheesecake or two from my friend Robin but she was unable to do it this year so I partook this task on myself.  I endeavoured to make a candy cane/chocolate marble cheesecake, and managed to both overcook and under cook it at the same time.  Don't ask, 'cause I'm not sure how that happened but we did serve up our cheesecake disaster anyways.   I also made some homemade mince tarts from a recipe that author Kristah Price had included in her blog on  This one did turn out!

Yesterday (Sunday) was another busy day, and came a little too early for my liking after the party the previous night.  Jake had his last swimming lesson, Kristen had choir practice before church.  All three kids had piano lessons and I had to take Kristen to her performance at the church in the afternoon while John took Matthew to his final swimming lesson.  Kristen had her lesson on Saturday morning.  I'm pleased that all of them passed with flying colours, but most impressed with Matthew who was awarded his Bronze Cross!  He can now enjoy some freedom on Sunday afternoons!!

Today, I suffered a headache (could be that I only had decaf coffee in the house?) so I didn't bother going to Curves after working at the school.  I've been a little stressed about Matthew heading off to high school next year.  We had to make a decision on whether or not to put him in the Academic Stream or the Gifted Stream for his core subjects - it all seems to be happening so fast and it makes me sad that we've only got him for another 4 1/2 years before he heads off to University.  I met with his SERT this morning along with Matthew and I was so proud of him for making the decision on his own to give the Gifted Stream a try for Grade 9.  I have to say that as I entered the school today, I was struck with emotion once again over the tragedy in Newtown.  You think your children are safe at school, and then something like that happens...but we can't live in fear either. 

Tomorrow I'm off to Curves and then home to prepare for my absolute favourite time of the year - the epitome of what Christmas means to me - my annual "Love Actually" dinner & movie night at my house with my friends and some vino!  John is a saint and keeps our glasses filled and even drives my loopy friends home afterwards if needed!  This year I am going to attempt to make Banoffee Pie since Keira Knightley offers Mark a piece when she comes over to hunt for her wedding video in hopes she can find a shot where she isn't "bright turquoise".  I guess Banoffee Pie is rather popular in the UK, I've never seen it here in Canada - but it will be making a grand premiere here tomorrow evening.

Well, Colin, I look forward to meeting you here tomorrow night and sharing you with my friends while we are entertained with my all-time favourite movie!  Till then, I leave you with a line stolen from Miss Fairfax, "For me, you have always had an irresistable fascination!"

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